Dainavimo pamokos
Individualios dainavimo pamokos
Dainavimas – tai ne tik meno forma, bet ir puiki saviraiškos priemonė, lavinanti pasitikėjimą savimi, kūrybingumą ir muzikinius gebėjimus. Mūsų individualios dainavimo pamokos yra skirtos tiems, kurie nori tobulinti savo balsą, gilintis į muzikos subtilybes ar tiesiog atrasti džiaugsmą muzikuojant.

People and culture
Our people are what make us unique. Rather than outsourcing our construction engineers from questionable outsourcing establishments, we provide them with an environment that supports professional growth.
We are strong believers in giving our employees a voice. Our teams are put together with the help of our resident psychologist to ensure maximum productivity and engagement.
Esther Bryce
Founder / Interior designer
Lianne Wilson
Jaden Smith
Jessica Kim